I'm ready!

Coach, Speaker, & Creator of The Manifest Mindset™


A Natural Tool To Shift Anxiety Into Positive Energy

This meditation & guided workbook will help put you in the right mindset
3 easy steps so you can become the best possible version of yourself. 

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Nicole Rose Stillings is an International Speaker, Manifestation Expert and Creator of The Manifest Mindset™ - a technology that reprograms the subconscious brain to achieve your biggest goals and dreams. Nicole created the first prototype of this tool 12 years ago when she left the corporate world to build her entertainment career and used it to manifest an almost 7 figure DJ business, a TV show, a celebrity mogul mentor, long term partnerships with Google, AMEX & more. Nicole studied psychology and sociology at Emory University and is a certified Master of NLP, Reiki Practitioner & Medium. She has also spent 10+ years training in meditation, breathwork, and intuition. 

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i'm nicole rosé

Learn how to build your own custom mindset tool to regain your alignment and connect with your higher self in just 5 minutes or less.

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Do you feel like you're sometimes living between two worlds? Like your life is either absolutely freaking perfect or "oh my god" what on earth is happening right now? You're not alone! We've all been there. It's called being human. But you're different. You know you're special. You know you're spiritual. You know you're powerful- more powerful than you've been allowing yourself to be. And you know there's a call on your life for more... and something led you here.  The place where you can uncover the answers to your questions and start showing up in the world as the bright shining star you were meant to be. Every. Single. Day.

I'm Nicole, and I have taught dozens of people how to reconnect with their inner power through my  proven process, The Manifest Mindset™, which rewires your brain, molds your energy, and influences the outcomes in your life. I'm still on the journey with you but I'm trained in positive psychology, neuro-linguistic programming, reiki energy healing, meditation and more.

If you're ready to step into your power, you're in the right place. 

- Nicole L, Lawyer & writer, CA, 45

“Nicole's program really helped me! I did a whole mindset & career pivot. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Success Stories


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Find out exactly why Nicole is the secret weapon you've been looking for in a 1 on 1 mindset & manifestation session. Your first is on us ;).

Ready Set Book.