
Supplements as Self Care: Shift Your Mindset & Glow From the Inside Out

I'm Nicole!

I have taught dozens of women how to reconnect with their inner power through my proven process, The Manifest Mindset™, which rewires your brain, molds your energy, and influences the outcomes in your life! 

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This past week, we interviewed Paulina Nelega, the lead formulator and chief herbalist at Natural Wellbeing, and got the 411 on all things health and supplements.  Did you know the peak phase of your health is…. wait for it….. in your 20s?!  Right… if you’re a day above 21, I’m sure your jaw just dropped… and I feel you. But the good news is: Paulina spilled all the tea on how to keep that youthful glow growing as you age.

Natural Wellbeing is an all-natural supplement company made for women by women. Their mission is to empower women to take charge of their health by nourishing from the inside out. Paulina is the HHIC (…head herbalist in charge) and is all about creating safe, effective formulas and helping us live our best lives. Read below to discover her top tips for using supplements to maintain optimal health or press play on the podcast.

  1. Start supplements young to prolong your peak health state.

Paulina shares her main secret: starting early. Just like with anti-aging cream or botox, the key is getting on a good routine before your body starts to deteriorate. I know you’re nodding and wondering why no one ever told you this sooner… but hey, that’s what we’re here for.  Research shows that you peak in physical health in your late 20’s to early 30’s (but women tend to peak sooner due to less muscle mass).

  1. Do your research & select supplements that are right for you.

Still a college party queen? Supplements that help your liver and kidneys can help keep you glowing while the champagne is going. Maybe thyroid issues run in your family? Supporting your thyroid with supplements now can help clear chronic brain fog and unexpected weight gain. It’s all about getting ahead of the potential health issues before they develop into problems.

If you have the ability to hire a health coach to work with you on a personalized supplement plan, this is also a great approach to optimizing your health now and will undoubtedly save you hours scouring the internet. We interviewed Jillian Tuchman from Work Your Genes a while back if you’ve been searching for someone to help guide you.

  1.  Purchase your supplements from a reputable company.

Supplement companies aren’t held to the same standard as pharmaceutical brands and could be adding fillers, heavy metals, and toxic chemicals to their products.  Be aware that natural supplements and vitamins are not required to be FDA approved.  That being said, you can make sure that you select products from a GMP-certified company (meaning that they employ the gold standard in good manufacturing practices).  Research is key to getting the best product and the most out of it (we know none of you have time or money to waste).

  1. Stick to your routine as a part of your self-care.

The more consistent you are with your supplement routine, the more benefits you will reap over time.  Just like medicine, supplements can take some time for optimal health benefits to set in.  Work these extra two minutes into your morning routine after your meditation for best results (and to make sure you remember!). Pro tip: space your pills out throughout the day for the best absorption.

Need a quick guide to a supplement company’s products you can trust?  Here is your cheat sheet on all things Natural Wellbeing (don’t forget to use code SUPBABE15 & save $$$):

  • If you’re feeling stressed …. go for the Adaptogenic Stress Relief Capsules; they are all about getting you back into zen mode and keeping you focused. 
  • If you are always having a bad hair day… go for the Hair Essentials and Fo-Ti combo. This killer combo will kickstart your hair growth and keep it silky smooth.
  • If you lack a little spice in the bedroom and you’re sure it’s you, not them … go for Female Libido. Add it to your water, smoothies (or wine?), and you’ll feel those aphrodisiacs kicking in.
  • If you are looking to boost your immunity (who isn’t in a pandemic??) … go for Immune Sure – made with powerful mushrooms and herbs it’ll keep your immune system flying high (pair with a mask for best results ;).
  • If you are always forgetting your keys, forgetting names, and forgetting what you forgot… go for Mind Your Memory. Their powerful formula will have you remembering all those names and numbers (the good, the bad, and the ugly).
  • Can’t fall asleep? Me either … go for the Sleep Essentials; they’ll help you wake up with RBF (rested b*tch face … also known as the best b*tch face).

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Nicole Rosé was rebellious right out of the womb: empowerment was always the name of her game. After manifesting multiple "unlikely" experiences in her life, like moving from the Midwest to New York, becoming a world class DJ, creating her own six-figure business and starring in an HBO Max show working for her dream mentor, she realized she was onto something. Her strategy had worked every time.

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