
Pro Tip: 5 Steps For Following Your F*ck It Moment & Changing Careers

how to change careers
I'm Nicole!

I have taught dozens of women how to reconnect with their inner power through my proven process, The Manifest Mindset™, which rewires your brain, molds your energy, and influences the outcomes in your life! 

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We sat down with THE King of The Pivot who basically told us that sometimes it’s OK (in fact, more than OK) to follow your f*ck it moment & change your career. Daniel Saynt (who identifies as a bisexual BIPOC) is a longtime friend and a professional provocateur who’s made several successful pivots in the heart of NYC. He created Fashion Indie, became CMO of Rebecca Minkoff, launched Socialyte, merged with Nylon, led a team there and recently founded NSFW (New Society For Wellness… get your mind out of the gutter). He left his career in fashion and luxury and dedicated himself to healing others through sexual wellness and cannabis.  And we bet you wanna know more now too!

“If you’re pivoting, it doesn’t have to be an immediate shift. Everyone’s been given this nice pause, but that pause is NOT a stop. If you’re thinking about a new career, put in the action that you need to get there and set that plan for yourself. ”

Click here to listen to the full episode (spoiler alert: it’s worth it!):

Our top 5 tips for changing careers right now:

#1 Ground yourself before you pivot. 

Ground yourself in your own happiness (or else pivoting will be much more difficult). Spend the time to get to know yourself better. Check in with yourself and make sure this pivot is moving in the right direction for *future* you. Get clear on the WHY for the pivtot. This WHY will take you through launch, burnout, scaling up and more.

#2 Move in the direction of trends.

Go with the grain when you’re building a new business. If you can be ahead of the curve, even better. Make sure to keep an eye on trends in your industry that will affect you and the new business. Earmark influencers in your industry and keep tabs on their next moves.

#3 Look at your life in 10-year spans.

Look at the overarching theme. Where do you want to be when you’re 20, 30 and 40? Think to yourself… if my small goals are all relatively similar, what is the bigger picture here? Daniel (and myself) have both dedicated difference decades of our lives to conquering different goals and passions. This is possible for you too if you’re willing to spend the time planning.

#4 Build an authentic following.

Stay true to YOU. This all starts with being good with yourself (I know… I’m making it sound too easy!). Next, work to express what you’re passionate and enthusiastic about. People recognize outstanding passion and will follow you on your journey in hopes than an ounce of inspo rubs off on them too.

#5 Fall in love with the journey. 

Newsflash: no amount of status, fame or money will bring you the long-term happiness you seek. True satisfaction comes from doing work that resonates with who you are on the inside and continues to build you into more of the human you aspire to be. Make sure you enjoy the day to day of the job or you won’t be happy no matter what height you reach.

“That was good, I said all that? That’s very insightful.”
– Daniel Saynt, 2020


nicole rosé

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Nicole Rosé was rebellious right out of the womb: empowerment was always the name of her game. After manifesting multiple "unlikely" experiences in her life, like moving from the Midwest to New York, becoming a world class DJ, creating her own six-figure business and starring in an HBO Max show working for her dream mentor, she realized she was onto something. Her strategy had worked every time.

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i'm nicole rosé

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