Cardio increases your brain’s neuroplasticity - your brain’s ability to generate new neurons aka neurogenesis & make new connections between neurons, which improves your ability to make positive connections between neurons.
This can create new neural pathways & help improve your ability to think positively. Pair it with mantras & affirmations & you are becoming a rewiring pro!
Cardio increases feelings of joy - it signals the brain’s reward centers – the system of the brain that gives you pleasure, motivation & hope – leading to higher circulation levels of dopamine.
Studies have shown that as we age, adults lose up to 13% of dopamine receptors in the reward system every decade.
Cardio gives you more courage - as it enhances the brain’s reward system, it also increases neural connections among areas of the brain that calm anxiety.
Lactate – commonly blamed for muscle soreness – has positive effects on mental health reducing anxiety & depression. So cardio will help that your life to the next level!
Cardio transforms your self-image - every movement in your body sends signals to your brain about what is happening - sensing yourself aka proprioception acting as a sixth sense.
Cardio “high” primes you to connect with others - research shows that the exercise high is linked to another class of brain chemicals aka endocannabinoids, which are known to stimulate a state of content. They also increase dopamine levels in the brain’s reward system which can lead to optimism. Cardio increases the pleasure we derive from other people creating stronger relationships.
They also increase dopamine levels in the brain’s reward system which can lead to optimism. Cardio increases the pleasure we derive from other people creating stronger relationships.